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IAEA Webinar on Laboratory measuring techniques for radionuclides in NORM samples: Difficulties and challenges.

Fecha de inicio: Martes, 19. Mayo 2020  
Fecha de final: Martes, 19. Mayo 2020  
Accesos : 412
Hora: 14:00 - 16:00
Localización : Webinar

Webinar Rafael GTenorio photoNuestro socio, Rafael García-Tenorio, catedrático de Física Aplicada en la Universidad de Sevilla con más de 30 años de experiencia en medidas de radiactividad ambiental, impartirá el próximo 19 de mayo a las 14 h un webinar organizado por la plataforma ENVIRONET de la IAEA sobre técnicas de medida en laboratorio de radionucleidos en muestras de industrias NORM. No te lo pierdas. Regístrate aquí

Este es el texto del anuncio original:

"ENVIRONET is organizing a webinar in the context of the 1st IAEA led Conference on NORM (NORM2020) to be held in October this year. The webinar topic is on Laboratory measuring techniques for radionuclides in NORM samples: Difficulties and challenges. Join us on 19 May at 14:00 (Vienna time)! There will be a Q&A session at the end for those interested in asking questions. Registration link.

The invited speaker is Rafael Garcia-Tenorio, Full- Professor in Applied Physics at the University of Seville with more than 30 years of experience in the fields of environmental radioactivity, radiometric techniques, radioecology and radiation protection. He specialized his research mainly in NORM issues with occupational, public and environmental radiological evaluations of several NORM industries."

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